pátek 16. ledna 2015

The Hobbit movies review

 Before I start with the review let me just say, that I'm a big fan of the Lord of The Rings trilogy. So, naturally I was very exited when they announced they will be making Hobbit film. I mean same director, smae screenplay writes. What could possibly go wrong? Sadly, almost everything as it turned out. 
   Three movies out of one book. That's for me the biggest issue. In every interview I watched,Peter Jackson was saying, that they wanted to put everything from the book into the movies. That's an honourable thought, but there are so many scenes, which feel really unnecessary. I think they should have done only two movies and that would have been perfect. So, why three movies? Some say, that they did it because of money. I don't want to believe it, but I can't figure out another reason. There's one more thing, which I can't forgive to Peter Jacson and that is adding characters, who weren't in book, into the movies. I'm talking about Tauriel and Legolas. And I've noticed, that fans have been hating Evangekine Lilly, but I mean no offence towards her. I think that she did a great job and I actually really like her acting, but I just don't see the point of Tauriel. We all love Legolas, but I can't see the point of him being in those movies, either. And speaking of Legolas, who really believes that this dark, badass Legolas as they pictured him in The Hobbit movies transformed into nice, calm elf we know from Lord of The Rings? It doesn't feel natural to me. I don't like how they tried so hard to connect The Hobbit and The Lord of The Rings. The Hobbit deserves full story. In The Battle of the Five Armies there were so many unnecessary scenes. For example: Why did Legolas and Tauriel travel to Gundabad? And why they made so big deal out of the Sauron/Nekromant thing, but they never explained it more? And to be honest there are too many scenes with Thorin having hallucination. I know they wanted to highlite that he has a mental illness or something like that, but It's really annoying, however Bilbo's flashbacks about Smaug are even more annoying.
   The Battle of the Five Armies is the shortest of the trilogy and yet there are so many questions thet remained unanswered. What hapenned with Bard's family? Who became another king of Erebor? How much has this experience changed him? Is he still the same as he was when he left the Bag end at the beginning?
    But od course there are things I like about those movies. Soundtracks for example are perfect. The Last Goodbye by Billy Boyd is great song, it perfectly fits into the last movie. I also like Smaug the dragon, Fans are divided into those who hate him and those who love him. I'm in the second group. I think, that they've done great job. And Benedict Cumberbatch is perfect as usual. There are perfect actors in those movies. Martin Freeman is just amazing! There's no one who could have played Bilbo better that him. Ian McKellen's performance is priceless. I like all the dwarves as well, especially Richard Armitage.
   An Unexpected Journey is the best of the three, In Desolation of Smaug there is one of the greatest moment of the whole saga and that is Bilbo and Smaug talking. The Battle of the Five Armies should have been an epic experince. But it isn't. I like all the scenes Bilbo is in, but tp be hones I was quite bored sometimes.
    So, what's the final decision? After seeing all three movies my boyfriend said to me: "Still, I'm happy, that they have made thode movies". To be honest I'm not. I love Tolkien's work, I love Lord of the Rings and I certainly dont love The Hobbit movies. They could have done it so much better! While I'm watching those movies I don't feel amazed. I'm actually quite disappointed.

This article is just my opinion and If you disagree with me that's allright.Let me know, what do you thing about this movies.

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